
Postdoctoral appointees are an integral part of the research endeavor at Duke University. The Office of Postdoctoral Services (OPS) is the central resource for postdoctoral appointees on campus, and serves as a liaison between postdocs, faculty, administrators, and staff. The OPS promotes postdoctoral training at Duke and prepares Duke postdocs for successful careers both within and beyond academia. Duke Postdoctoral Services works side-by-side with the  伍前形容偷情搞外遇的「爬墙」现在却拿来追星? - 搜狗字媒体:2021-6-19 · 于是「爬墙」渐渐地就有了几分离经叛道的色彩 后来甚至成了「搞外遇」的伋名词 像《金瓶梅》第十三回 《李瓶姐墙头密约,迎春儿隙底私窥》中,就有: 这西门庆就掇过一张桌凳来踏着暗暗扒过墙来。这边已安下梯子 从爬墙的姿势就可伍看出 to address the needs and concerns of postdocs. 爬墙梯子外网 the Duke Career Center, 免费梯子, and the Faculty Development Program in the School of Medicine to provide programming relevant to postdocs, grad students, and junior faculty. 


To subscribe to the Duke postdoc mailing list, e-mail sympa@duke.edu with the subject line: subscribe postdocs. All members of the Duke community may subscribe to the Duke postdoc list using their duke.edu email address.


 The Office of Postdoctoral Services provides:

  • Guidance on postdoctoral appointments, policies, and benefits to postdocs, departmental staff, and faculty.
  • Resources for Duke postdoctoral appointees.
  • Individual career counseling (including resume, CV, cover letter, research/teaching statement critiques, and mock interviews) for Postdoctoral Associates and Postdoctoral Scholars. Email Molly Starback, Director, for an appointment.
  • Professional development workshops.
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  • Career resource library, including the Duke Postdoc Services YouTube Channel of recent workshops.



Consultation and support are available to members of the Duke community – including postdocs and their families – who are seeking assistance during this challenging time. Please see this list of resources, including a Self-Guided Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook.




The Duke Postdoc Services list provides information on upcoming professional and social events, job opportunities, and more. All members of the Duke community may join the mailing list using their Duke email address.

To subscribe, email sympa@duke.edu withthe subject line: "subscribe postdocs"